Assalamualaikum dear buddies!

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| at 4:24 PM
Assalamualaikum dear buddies!
| at 3:27 PM
Assalamualaikum dear readers!
| at 3:03 PM
Assalamualaikum Dear Friends!
Welcome to my double, fumble, rumble, and humble blog!
Oh yah, I just want to say so definitely sorry!
I know it’s inappropriate and unprofessional for a blogger
to leave her or his blog alone! I’m so bad!
I’m sorry dear buddies!
Who’s to blame here, ladies and gents?
Of course, me! Duh! It’s my blog.
All right my friends, today it’s the moment you all been waiting for!
My new blog post! OH YEAH!
Drum roll please!
(More like the George of the Jungle drums! Hua2!)
I’m gonna write on the 5A’s REUNION!
I’m definitely glad to meet my best buddies! We went to MID VALLEY MEGA MALL! It was fantastic!
Well, we went there through KTM.
It was a full packed transportation! And please, don’t get me started on the dumb smells during
the journey! It was the most horrifying transportation on EARTH!
I can even smell dead fish in there, and I think someone brought “BELACAN” with them.
I was dying in there!
Okay, so my best friend, NUR LIYANA YAHAYA, and me arrived at MID exactly at 11.45am.
Just on time for MOVIE!
And duh, first, my friends and me would start screaming like hell cause it has been ages since I last met all of them.
There were 18 of us! (Just like “Rombongan Kak Kiah”!)
How crazy is that?
These are my friends: Liyana Yahaya, Farhana Yassin, Iklima Zainal, Izzati Ripin, Roshaimah, Rizmanadia, Nik, Hady, Izwan (SimplyIwan), Sam, Afiq, Nizam, Syazrul, Syed Azrin, Arif, Shazlan and ME!
The agenda?
Well, we went for a movie! The IRON MAN 2!
It was okay, I guess, thrilling movie and a little touch of humor.
Just the way I like it! 4 stars for IRON MAN!
If the movie has less talking and more action, they might get 5 stars from me! Oh yeah!
After the movie, we went to pray and then lunch!
The lunch moment was a tiny bit fuzzy. There were 16 of us and there were tensions and arguments, so we decided to for food court.
We talk for hours. We had so much pleasure and never knew numerous things got out from my chest.
Next, 2 of my friends and me went for SHOPPING!
There were gigantic sales at JUSCO that day, and we were stuck in it.
Try to imagine screaming people, crazy maniacs trying for new stuffs, and annoying salesmen around you.
The next thing you know, I’m yelling “shut-up” till the whole JUSCO stood still for a moment
(I wished!).
In conclusion, I HAD FUN!
| at 10:42 AM
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