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Earth Day (Lets GO GREEN)

Assalamualaikum earth people! Today is 22 April 2010 and do you know what day is today??? Guess what?! It’s EARTH DAY! Or as what I love to called it, “Mother Earth’s Birthday”. It’s a special day for all of us to help our amazing mother earth so that it can sustain longer! Together, we could live longer! Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in superior threat than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our absolute time, it also presents the greatest opportunity – a unique opportunity to build a healthy, wealthy, clean energy economy now and for the future.

Dear friends! Come! Join us to assist this campaign by take your own action! Below is a list of actions that you (anybody can do it! Parents, children, makcik2, pakcik2, and others) can accomplish! For the ‘makcik-makcik’ out there, it’s better for you to help the mother earth by doing numerous procedures rather than ‘mengumpat’ and ‘memfitnah’ (EN: condemn and libel) other people (Oh makcik2, memfitnah itu lagi buruk daripada membunuh!) THE ACTIONS:

# Stop Littering! – Hey, hey, hey people! If you really love your mother earth, I suggest you better STOP LITTERING THE WHOLE PLANET! Littering is one of the reasons our earth is suffering from several “malapetaka” (EN: disaster). Show your care for the nature by throwing your rubbish on the right place! You could make a difference.

# Save Electricity! – Save the electricity guys, don’t wa
ste them! I’m certainly sure most of you are not wealthy enough to pay hundreds of ringgit just for the electric bill (unless of course, you’re from a very wealthy family and earn billions of dollars per month. That is positively accepted). However dear buddies, you can’t use electricity as many as you like. No proper la. Think about others! Don’t be selfish! Save Electricity like close the light or iron when you’re not using it. Iron many clothes at one time rather than iron a few clothes at many times. Be smart! Think wisely! You could change the world!

#Save Water! – Another force of habit of a human being is they do most of the things without thinking. For example, they leave the tap open when their brushing their teeth. Isn’t that ridiculous? Did you our clean water is decreasing every day? How sad is that? Let us see the future for a moment. We will be dehydrated due to lack of water; we will reek like a skunk because we can’t take a bath, our lips will dry out (wow! What will happen to Angelina Jolie’s Lips??? No more hot and attractive lips! Will Brad Pitt be okay with that? No one knows…).
So friends, think properly! Please aware of your surrounding! When you save water, you will save hundreds of lives. # Go Green! – Plants are beautiful; they even provide us the most important source of all. OXYGEN! We need oxygen to breath and gain energy (People who doesn’t need oxygen is an alien! Are you an alien? If not, you better start planting!). Start making your environment greener as possible. Like this equation: MORE GREEN=MORE OXYGEN

Widen your knowledge on gardening. Develop the skills! We could make our earth happier than before!
Therefore geng, start wisely! Choose the right action! For more detail on EARTH DAY click this link EARTH DAY CAMPAIGN 2010

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