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Simply Downline Banners Design

Assalamulaikum! Salam 1 Malaysia! Did you know that I’m a great designer? Oh please don’t ‘mengutuk’ yet. Allow me to rephrase the sentence. Ehem… Did you know that I’m a great designer in my dreams? Yes! That’s the correct sentence! We need to be honest or else, our lives are in danger. Like one time, when I was in secondary school, I lied to my teacher about ‘The Mystery of T-shirt’. In reality, the t-shirt was torn due numerous reasons that I couldn’t possibly tell you. However, I didn’t tell the truth. I told the teacher which is a ‘she’ and I’m so bloody forgot what her name was, I told her the shirt was at home and I forgot to bring it at school. I decided to call my dad and ask him to buy a new one, but he didn’t. There was a lot of investigation and lies. My teacher really wanted that t-shirt because it’s a school property and they need to use it soon. Tense was rising! At the end, I determined to tell the truth. I got scolded badly. I got kick out from the prefects’ organization (gler sedeyh!) and I’ve been humiliated in front of hundreds of students. My parents were exceptionally disappointed. Hence my dear readers, be honest as possible! Oh dear, I’m out of the topic here. Sorry for that!

Okay! Now let’s continue to the topic for today. Remember the last blog on Simply Iwan? My friend’s blog? Yeah2. If you do forget, go back and read it! I’m promoting here, please bear with me. He (Mohd Izwan Hafiz) ask for my help and talent (Oh yes, he ask for my help because of my rare talent! Rare talent people! Haaaa..belagak giler), to design his blog’s banner!

Thus my friends, I came up with 5 banner designs. Not just 1 or 2 or 3, but 5 designs, people! How rare is that? Hehe

Most of these designs are copy and paste designs. Not the real thing, but still, these are my creation! With your permission dear friends, to be honest with you, they’re not so great like those in the internet. They’re just lame old banners created by a lonely beginner in the design industry (If you still wondering who that person is, let me give you a very simple hint…. IT’S ME! Duh, guys! Please do keep up. We’re on a fast train here. No more ‘kereta lembu’ la).

Mr.Iwan said it’s a temporary banner. He’ll try to suit the banner with the web itself.

Now! The time you’ve been waiting for! If there’s any human being out there who are gladly want to comment my blog post, please do! I welcome you with a warm hand! This is your ultimate chance to vote the best banner for Iwan’s blog. Don’t be shy! Just vote! Drag your mouse and click comment.

Let us all take part in helping our friend! Thank you!

'MALAYSIA BOLEH!' (what can i say? I love my country!)

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