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Iman Nur Nabila Binti Ahmad Azahari

Assalamualaikum dear earthlings! Hello and definitely welcome again and again and again to my humble blog. Please do seat back and relax! & enjoy my post (Which I doubt you will! If I were J.k Rowling or Meg Cabot, I’m sure you would without question get pleasure from my post. Nevertheless dear friends, I’m not! So, baca je lah. What you got to lose?). Anyway, on this gorgeous day, I would love to talk about myself! If you don’t want to know more about ‘moi’, please exit to your left. You will see a window. Once you reach there, happily please jump out from the window from a 10 storey building and…well, you know the rest.

Okay, let’s start with my full name! My name is Iman Nur Nabila Binti Ahmad Azahari Bin Pawan Teh Bin Ahmad. If I may recall, ‘Iman’ gives a meaning of ‘Kepercayaan’ (EN: Faith), ‘Nur’ means ‘Cahaya’ (EN: Light) and last but least, ‘Nabila’ means….. I have no idea. I don’t know the definition of Nabila. I’m so tired to search in the internet. But if you do, please leave a comment below yeah? Thank you! Anyway, my date of birth is 11 August 1992. Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For almost 11 years, I live in a small town call Taman Bukit Cheras, near Alam Damai (since Alam Damai is so popular these days, I decided to make it as my landmark). Technically, I’m beyond doubt an ordinary Muslim girl with lots and lots of dreams!

I’ve been so many places in this world. I managed to conquer Indonesia, West Africa, Gold Coast Australia, Paris, London, and some other amazing & unamazing places. At this moment, I’m working with my dad as a graphic designer in a company called Idot TV. Recently, I’ve just received my SPM results. To me, it wasn’t quite good at all. I believe I could do better. I got 7A’s and 4B’s. Oklah kut…

If I may ‘perasan’ for a moment, I’m a very active young person, good in making friends and ‘mesra’ all the time (I think). Sometimes, I may be in a bad mood. I get angry easily like my dad. So, you better watch out! There’s a HULK inside me! Haha

I also look similar to my mom. Really,really,really similar to my mom. The only difference is I’m taller and younger than her. Pretty wicked eyh? Occasionally, people would mistake me by my mom. It’s frustrating actually but at the same time funny. However dear mates, it can get really worst when my cousin Amirul Rosli keep calling me ‘makcik-makcik’, and even telling me ‘Ila ni macam mak orang la’ (Giler sakit ati!) in an annoying tone! What a life! We could get in a vast fight just because of that.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot, thin is never ever in my life’s dictionary! I’m a plump young lady (If you don’t know what plump means, please do refer the dictionary. You will get a clear picture!). I can’t blame myself. I love food! I live to eat, not eat to live. I tried several times to lose weight but unfortunately, it did not succeed. I try jogging every morning with my dad. That only last about 3 or 4 weeks. Then, the routine suddenly stop. Dah malas dah…

So, that’s a little about me. Like I said, not really interesting la. :p

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ezzriq emir said...

7a 4b iman bule ckp ok la kot??

ibu sye tgk tuhh.
terus buang slip tuh. hahaha

sbb dye tak caye. hahhaa