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What i did today?

Assalamualaikum Amigos! How are you doing? Hope you all doing very well.

What did I do today?

1: I woke up at 6 am. My sisters were all getting ready for school (& I’m not! Duh! I’m a free woman now! No more school for me! Except, for this May, I might go to UTP. Wish me luck guys!). I was still sleeping when they were dressing up. The fluorescent light is torturing my eyes! It’s too bright! So, with the power inside me, I decided to wake up (besides my dad will yell at me if I’m still warping myself with the blanket! Oh father!).

2: I went for jog with my dad at t Alam Damai Park after sending the little ones to school. Alam Damai Park is an incredibly peaceful park. I mean I could literally listen myself breathing. I am a poor jogger! I can’t jog for more than 5 minutes. If more than that, I can swear to you I’ll be able to see stars. Seriously! So, I speed walk instead (& still very tiring too!)

3: Go to work. After jog, we went home freshen up and immediately went for work. People say when you went for a jog; your legs are in a good shape. Well, NOT MINE! My legs are numb until now!!!! I can barely walk properly! Penat lor… What did I do in the office? The following are the activities I did;

a) Open My Facebook

b) Blogging… duh

c) Chatting with my pips

d) When for lunch (the cafeteria is oklah…)

e) Did some office work for Green Billing

f) Listen to musics

g) Blogging… again

h) Blogging… again & again

So, that’s about it. What a career huh?

4: Now, I’m still in the office and blogging some more! Heee

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Fatin Fatihah said...

haha.. you're day seems similar with mine except for the work and jogging.. LOL